Anti-Racist Practice for Immigrant Solidarity E-Course

February 28th (Tuesday)
UUA Love Resists Group: Topic: Anti-Racist Practice for Immigrant Solidarity E-Course  6:45-8:45 pm, Church building.

Register: here

Emailed materials for the first session (1 of 5):


CSCO anti-racist practice
Dear Michael,

Thank you for registering for “Changing Systems, Changing Ourselves: Anti-racist practice for accompaniment, sanctuary, and resistance!” We are really excited to learn with and from you—and extend our sense of solidarity in working for justice to create change.

Here is some advance work as well as other information you need before our first session tonight:

Finish your registration
If you have not filled out the full registration form, please do so. This information helps us customize the course for you and to connect you with others when helpful. Whether you are a group leader or participant, take a few minutes to tell us more about yourself and the work you are doing or plan to do! Please encourage all those in your group to fill out this form as well. Complete the full registration form here.

Set up your computers
We recommend a headset for the best audio experience for everyone. Those of you meeting in groups to discuss and participate in the sessions, be sure your room set-up includes speakers loud enough for everyone to hear the webinar and a microphone that can pick up everyone in your room so you can be heard. If you’d like to be seen by other participants, you may also want to hook up a webcam.

White folks, take a look at two readings
We ask that white participants read a couple of  articles before our first session, and we will also invite everyone to do some work together as a group between webinars. For this session, we invite you to take a look:

White supremacy Culture,” developed by Tema Okun and Kenneth Jones: This is a tool we will be referencing regularly as we continue our work together.

White women doing white supremacy in non-profit culture” by Heather Layne Talley, which extends this framework and looks beyond non-profit contexts:

Please write down the feelings that rise for you as you read. Participants of color, feel free to read these as well, but they are not required for you.

Join our Facebook group
We have created a Facebook group for participants in this e-course to extend conversations, make connections, and gather together online for support. This group is by no means mandatory, but can be a place to chat about the content of the e-course and share thoughts and resources. It is a private group, so follow the link, answer the two brief questions, and one of the facilitators will add you to the group. Feel free to share your responses to the readings in the group!

Caucus groups
For this first webinar of the series, we will be joining in caucus groups (white and people of color) to explore how we will show up distinctly within our social location,  how our identity shapes our experience, and how to hold the space so that everyone can benefit most fully from the experience.

We have two Zoom meetings set up for this first session—one for white folks and one for people of color. Please join the group that matches your racial identity.

We suggest you join online on computer for the best experience, but you do have the option of calling on the phone. For questions, please contact

White identity caucus: Or, dial: +1 929 205 6099 or +1 669 900 6833  and enter meeting ID: 649 511 753

PoC identity caucus: Or, dial: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923 and enter meeting ID: 561 854 685

If there are others who you feel will benefit from this course, please invite them to register before 7 p.m. ET on Jan. 28th!

We look forward to engaging with you, deepening our practice, and discovering ways to enact the beloved community together in the way that we work for social change!

Add this event to your calendar


Lucy Duncan (AFSC), Aisha Ansano (UUSC), Heather Vickery (UUSC), Anyango Reggy Gregory (AFSC), Myrna Orozco (CWS), Rebecca Merton (Freedom for Immigrants), and Susan Leslie (UUA)

Changing Systems, Changing Ourselves is a collaboration of AFSC's Friends Relations, the Unitarian Universalist Association and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee's Love Resists campaign, Church World Service and Freedom for Immigrants.

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