10th Annual RootsCampLA 2020 March 6-7

This year's theme: All Things Presidential - The 2020 Elections and The Issues that Matter
* Race and Nationalism (includes institutional racisim, prison reform, immigration, and more)
* Sex and Gender
* Redistricting and Voter Rights
* Environment
* Healthcare

RootsCampLA is the convening of over 150 forward thinking activists in the state. It’s brought to Louisiana every year by Solidarity Project Advocacy Network. Join us as we celebrate our diamond year of convening progressive minds in Louisiana for the past decade. Whether your issue is ensuring the nation survives a constitutional crisis, #BlackLivesMatter, redistricting, issues in the presidential election, maintaining democratic control of schools, labor rights, voting rights, women’s rights, racial equality, LGBTQIA, disability rights, healthcare, or housing – you name it, if it’s about a more equitable and inclusive society; then RootsCampLA is where you need to be.

The idea is to bring together activists of all stripes and have an honest exchange of ideas and sharing of skills. When we learn from one another, we take away new ideas, make new connections, and strengthen our work.

This isn’t your everyday gathering; it’s an “unconference.” Instead of our own pre-set PowerPoints and “expert” panels, participants like you design sessions and decide the program. This doesn’t mean “experts” aren’t in the room. They are, and it’s you.
Facebook Event:

Register for 10th Annual RootsCampLA 2020:

Overnight accommodations suggestions:
