SWUUW 2022

Hi Arial and all,

The website is: SWUUW.ORG 
Then click on SWUUWCON 2022, this will take you to the Registration and details.  You will receive a reduced rate if the registration is sent in no later than 1/28.

Subscribe to the Conference Newsletter on SWUUW.ORG.

 Please call me at 337-351-6585.

I am sorry for being so late in sending you the info. But can you let me know soon as I have decided to fly if no one goes.  And have found a cheap flight which will not be available long.

 There is a room booked for me at the Conference site. Is a suite, has 2 queen beds and a fold out couch in the living room.  Am hoping to share.  Either with others attending from here or for someone looking for a roommate.

If anyone else does attend from our Fellowship, we can use my vehicle and share the driving which is about 6 hours.  

Love and Respect to you all,
